26 February 2007

Another Beautiful Nebraska Snow Storm

A tree in my Mom's yard

My brother, Greg, and his trusty Jeep snow plow

All around us - a winter wonderland - God's majesty revealed in nature!

Even the thin wires of a small fence catch the falling snow flakes


Anonymous said...

Hi Deb:
We have had some snow like that is Cincinnati also but having a reprieve at present.
God bless,

Anonymous said...

Hey Deb...
We're just south of your friend in Cincinnati and we've missed all that delightful snow! Makes me want to move back to Nebraska!!! All is well here. Pray for Kiki, Nancy, Amy and Sandy. They are returning from Nairobi this Wednesday. Have been there a week praying about our trip this summer in June. Heard that Gospel Lighthouse was having some problems with their new location. Know any details? Found out Friday that my first grandchild is going to be a boy, Judah Alexander Cox. They are going to call him "Xander." My daughter, Vivian, and her husband, Jesse, live in Philadelphia...too darn far for grandparent stuff. However, not as far as Kenya!!! Hope this finds you well. Speaking of grandchildren, you sure have got some cute ones...love those pictures.
Love ya...

Anonymous said...

so pretty to LOOK at! :)