10 February 2010

Enjoying the Journey

Can you believe... every single aspect of the process took literally two to three times as long as I realistically estimated. It was a test in tenacity, to be sure.

But it wasn’t all tedious and tortuous. I actually enjoyed each and every step along the way.

  • Living the experiences
  • The initial writing (and re-writing) of the stories shortly after each one took place
  • Then again... all the dozens of times I edited, modified, and tweaked during these past seven arduous months
  • All the formatting and laying-out

Can you believe that after all this time and all this work and after literally engrossing myself in the stories… they still minister to me?! They still move me to tears. Or bring a smile to my face. They challenge me and encourage me. They cause me to once again praise God for what he has done and what he continues to do both in and through me.

To God be ALL the glory!



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