12 October 2015

Home-assignment; Jesus said, "Come away by yourself and rest."

Jesus said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while." For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.   ~ Mark 6:31

Rest is an important part of God’s plan for his people. It is essential to maintaining spiritual and physical health. But once that health has been compromised, rest becomes absolutely necessary for restoration.

Baan Sabai is run by Dave and Irene Lewis, who are former missionaries to Thailand. They advocate for preemptive rest, taking time to get away from the pressures and demands of ministry to spend time with God.

Many times, however, missionaries are worn out or near burn-out. The circumstances of their daily life on the field have beat them down, and they become disheartened, disillusioned, or even despondent.

I have personally experienced this in the past. It was not an easy time, but I learned the necessity of practicing better self-care.

These are the times when a place of refuge can be vital, a place where missionaries can unload and unwind in a safe environment.

Baan Sabai, in southeast Indiana, is just such a refuge. At this beautiful spot nestled on the edge of the woods, missionaries will find hosts who care deeply for them and who understand what they are going through.

More than 6,000 missionaries quit every year, primarily for reasons that are preventable.

There is a wide-spread misconception that missionaries are self-sufficient. It simply is not true. The truth is that like any other members of the body of Christ, they need the application of one-another principles found in scripture.

Are you a missionary who is in desperate need of a rest and some time alone with God? Then I would urge you to take advantage of this opportunity.

Do you know a missionary that needs such a respite? If so, please encourage them to consider going to Baan Sabai. In fact - - perhaps you could even consider paying their way!

Dave and Irene (on the left) are fabulous hosts and will make your stay beneficial. They'll give you a warm welcome and you'll become instant friends.

Irene prepares great home-cooked meals and together, they'll take you through some enlightening debriefing exercises.

For more information, please go to their website Paracletos.org/baan-sabai/

Sarita, who penned the above quote, wrote an insightful piece on missionary burnout here.

Don't let burnout happen to you or someone you know!

[Note: I took all the photos at Baan Sabi, or during walks while there.]


caryjo said...

Love the pictures, love the info.

Anonymous said...

I know your time at Baan Sabai refreshed your heart, soul and mind.
from your friend, Peggy