08 July 2012

Typical sights in rural Kenya

Jeff, my boda boda driver for the day

Wheelchair propelled by a hand-crank... ON the highway

The potholes are so bad, the vehicles don't even drive on the road!

Girls going home from school

Lots of giggles seeing a 'mzungu' (white person)!

Abandoned body of a bus

One of many chores for women - cutting and carrying firewood.

07 July 2012

A fun outing with Agnes and the boys

My friend, Mary Alu, had been wanting to meet Agnes for quite some time. So... we finally arranged to make it happen. Her boys were pretty excited to have an outing and snacks on the way made it even more fun! This was our second (of three) vehicles to get there.

Agnes was also pleased to make a trip.

And so was Pope.

This is a better view of our second vehicle. I had a seat in the front.

Typical market

Various kinds of beans and legumes on display

This gal was on the same vehicle as us, but hopped out to make a purchase.

Bread delivery truck

Folks leisurely whiling away the day

Our third mode of transportation was three motorbikes.

This is Kona Mbaya ('bad corner').


Zach, Agnes, and Duane

Pope enjoyed Mary's goat.

One of Mary's grandchildren.

And her first great-grandchild!

Wycliff, my long-time boda boda driver.

At long last, Agnes and Mary got to meet one another!

06 July 2012

Mt. Elgon and majestic clouds

This was the view from my hotel room, not only during my recent time at Misikhu, but each time I've stayed there. I enjoyed allowing my eyes to feast on the beauty of the sky and God's green earth. It was a couple of weeks into planting time, so the red soil had been turned over and the new sprouts of maize were coming up. So pretty!

And the heavens proclaim his righteousness, for he is a God of justice.
Psalm 50:6

It was also the rainy season while I was there. Everyday, the sky unfurled a different masterpiece of God's glory. The 'long rains' in Kenya typically last from late March or the beginning of April all the way through June and sometimes into July.This thunderhead is forming over Mt. Elgon - a very formidable presence in the area.

The heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain God.
2 Chronicles 6:18

The heavens praise your wonders, Lord, your faithfulness too. 
For who in the skies above can compare with the Lord? 
Who is like the Lord among the heavenly beings?
Psalm 89:5, 6

The clouds poured down water, the heavens resounded with thunder; 
your arrows flashed back and forth.
Psalm 77:17

Solomon said, “The Lord has said that he would dwell in a dark cloud."
2 Chronicles 6:1

This is a rare clear view of Mt. Elgon, which straddles the border between Kenya and Uganda. Most of the time, it's quite hazy around the mountain and cannot be seen very well. My time at Misikhu was a bit stressful on many levels, but several times during each day my eyes would look at that massive, unmoving mountain. Somehow I drew strength from it - strength for the next task at hand.

I lift up my eyes to the mountains - where does my help come from? 
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
Psalm 121: 1, 2

God covers the sky with clouds; 
he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills.
Psalm 147:8

05 July 2012

Agnes and her boys

Duane and Zach having lunch

Adu (Anderson) and Agnes

Zach holding an empty box of cookies

Agnes hanging clothes on her line

Zach, a tired little boy at the moment

Duane with some of his clay creations

He gets the clay from a drainage ditch near their house

A rare and fun meal out - chips and soda!

Agnes showing me one of the parcels of land she's rented for this year's crop

... and the other piece of land