14 May 2007

A Special Prayer Request

You may recall that my mud house in Matunda was broken into last December (just before I came back to the States). At that time, my bicycle, solar panels, and radio were stolen.

I've just been informed by Collins that it was broken into again :(

He says the culprit may have come in through the roof, but isn't sure. In looking around, he could only see that a few small items were taken. Things were also in disarray.

While disheartening and discouraging, I remain convinced that the Lord desires for me to live in this remote village area!

Nathan tells me often, "Deb, just by you living here... you're teaching all of us so many things! No one else like you - a "mzungu" (a white person) has ever lived here with us! It's a miracle!"

Please pray with me for divine protection over my possessions! Ask the Lord to grant me wisdom to know what other steps of security I may need to take.

Thank you so much for standing in agreement with me!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks---I enjoyed reading and seeing your photos. Sorry to hear about your things being stolen.